The story of TB
If you thought that the worst sickness is covid or cancer well you would be very wrong.The one im talking about has been with humans for almost its entire existence. And has killed 1.3million people in 2024 and its called TB.TB is basically very well adapted to the imunne system by taking adventge of the imunne system by mind controling them or tricking them that theres no enemy and spreading through you coughing and there for spread it to more people. You see if TB enters your body its already won. Some of you might ask "if its such a big threat why is there no vaccine?" Well there was a kind of vaccine. In the 1940s TB was at a alltime high almost all of the medical beds had TB patients so humans did what humans do and solve the problem by making a vaccine. Then the day was saved and every thing was fine but then it took us years to make a new one and when we did we did not do a good job at distributing it and now some parts of the world still has the bacteria....